I don't know about you, but homework is
something I struggle with... It's hard to have a consistent homework routine
when things don't always go as planned from day to day. The math program I use
does provide homework pages, but we can't always complete a lesson every single
day, and sometimes the homework is confusing, so homework becomes frustrating
and ineffective. That's what is so great about the homework packs from second
story window. Take a look at some of these pages:
The packet is designed to be copied front to back then cut in
half.... So it's just a simple half-sheet of homework every day. You can read
more about their homework routine here.
The packet comes with 100 days’ worth of homework.... If you want even more
homework, there's an add-on pack that you can buy here.
I love this homework because all I have to do is copy, cut, and
I'm ready to go. It doesn't matter if we get through the math lesson or not...
It's a simple, consistent, half-sheet of paper that goes home every day. I
photocopied it on colored paper so it's easily identifiable in students'
backpacks each day. Parents know to look for either a gray "go math"
page or a green "half-sheet" homework as I call it. The next morning
as students are turning in their homework, I have a check off sheet that they
mark so I can quickly see who has turned in their homework and who hasn't....
And for those who haven't turned in their homework, I have a few extra copies of the half-sheet ready for them to complete during 1st recess.
2 lucky winners are going to receive second story Window's 1st grade homework packet. Use the rafflecopter below to enter. Giveaway ends Wednesday night. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I send home a packet on Monday and it is due Friday. I normally send 3-4 math papers, 1-2 ELA sheets, and a spelling journal with an activity every night. jkroske@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteHonestly, I have been neglecting homework for the past year or two. Yes, I know the importance but locating the resources I need have not been forthcoming.
ReplyDeleteI would certainly looooove a chance to win your homework packet. This would be an awesome birthday present (my birthday is Tuesday)
Thanks in advance
I give 1 math review & 1 ELA ( Usually Grammar) each night Mon-Thurs. I usually check it & return each morning. wendy 1stgradefireworks@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteWe send home a packet on Monday and its due Friday (math, spelling and reading at home). I really want to change up homework this year!!!
ReplyDeleteI did not send home homework last year but I would like to send home homework this year. This unit looks great!
ReplyDeleteI try to provide homework that can be done independently, based on skills previously mastered. I also have a reading log I send home as part of their homework routine
Mindful Rambles
I would love to win. Currently, I send home levelled books for the children to read with their parents and word wall words for them to practice.
ReplyDeleteI'm a mom of two first graders and homework is always done first when they get home so it's out of the way and done.
ReplyDeleteOur school RARELY have homeworks for the kids!
ReplyDeleteOur homework routine is consistent every week. A leveled reader and sight words on Monday, Math on Tuesday, Fluency Folders on Wednesday, and Reading Comprehension on Thursday. I do not give homework over the weekends! Great giveaway!!
At my new district, it is very minimal
ReplyDeleteI ask for 20 minutes of reading and study math facts. THey also have Spellers Choice, where they should be doing one activity each night. Thanks for opportunity and the giveaway!