This year, my school set a goal to improve in writing. I
will admit, while I love doing writing activities with my class, I am
definitely not an expert when it comes to teaching writing. I think that's
because we don't have to take standardized writing tests in second grade, so
I've never stressed about it too much. I have my kids write in their journals each
day, but it's more just for leisure as it's not graded. And while we do write
stories and stuff, it's just never been the biggest focal point of my instruction
(perhaps because the math and reading instruction take up so much time every
Anyway, my principal bought each of us a "four-square writing" book at the beginning of the year, and it's
been somewhat helpful, but there was still something missing and I couldn't
quite put my finger on it.... Until now!!
Last month, we had a training with all of the lower grade
teachers, and one of our kindergarten teachers shared with us a great freebie
she had found on TPT. It was exactly what was missing from
my writing instruction.... Except that it was designed specifically for
kindergarten, and revolved around only writing ONE sentence. I decided to make
my own poster, and also a kid-friendly checklist for my students to complete as
they work on their writing.
** please note, I tried to contact the original creator of
the kindergarten writing posters, but she never wrote back to me, so I hope she
doesn't mind me re-working the poster to
suit the needs of my second graders.**
This week, as my class was working on their "Cat in the Hat" stories for Dr. Seuss week, they had to keep
revising their rough drafts until it was perfect "5 star writing" in
order to be given the cute stationary to publish their stories. Many students
are still working on their 5 stars and will continue working on their stories
next week, as they refine their "5 star" skills!
This has been a great motivator in my classroom, and I hope
it's something you can use too! What do you do for writing instruction??
This is great...except I'd have to tweak mine to include a sentence that does not fill the page! (Otherwise, they would happily give themselves a star for a capital letter (one!) and a period (one!) Thanks for sharing!